Brisbane City Skin Clinic offers cosmetic mole removal using sophisticated technology that works to precisely remove moles and other skin imperfections, meaning no stitches or scarring.
This new technology is most commonly used on moles, but can also be used on skin tags, seborrheic keratosis, warts and other benign growths. Our mole removal device works by utilising radiofrequency technology, and can be used on any part of the body. The majority of moles that appear before 30 years of age are benign (non-cancerous), however they can cause irritation on the skin, catch on clothing or jewellery, and they can also become a cosmetic nuisance. This is especially true if they appear on the face or neck. Scarless mole removal is a wonderful solution to remove unsightly skin flaws because it does not leave any scarring behind, and gives a smooth result. It is particularly useful on the face and neck, which has fine, delicate skin.
Before qualifying for scarless mole treatment, we will book you in for a quick assessment by our skin doctors who will examine the mole using a dermatoscope to ensure that the mole/s you wish to remove are benign (non-cancerous). If your mole does have features that our doctors believe could be suspicious then we can assist you to remove them using a different procedure.
Scarless mole removal at Brisbane City Skin Clinic is not a surgical procedure, and there are no stitches to take care of afterwards. There is minimal down or recovery time, as well as minimal aftercare required. And unlike laser treatments, moles and skin tags are removed in one appointment. Treatments are painless and take less than 10 minutes under local anaesthetic.
All mole removal treatments at Brisbane City Skin Clinic are performed by our skin Doctors.
We welcome new patients to Brisbane City Skin Clinic. If you are a new patient, we ask that you arrive at Brisbane City Skin Clinic 10 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time to complete a New Patient Form. One of our receptionists will be in contact the day before your appointment to confirm, either via SMS or telephone call.
Due to our inner-city location, if you are not walking from your office or catching public transport, we ask that you be mindful of the time required to park and walk to our clinic. The nearest car parks to our clinic are Wintergarden Secure Park and Myer Centre Car Park.