Once the skin GP has completed a full skin check, they can discuss options for skin tag removal or cyst removal, depending on the lesion.
Cyst Removal
Cysts are benign lesions that tend to occur on the face, back or neck. They are usually an accumulation of sebaceous fluid. Some go away on their own, others need to be removed.
Cyst removal can be performed at the medical centre and is a simple procedure. The area is injected with local anaesthetic, a small incision is made and the cyst is taken out. Ideally the cyst is best removed whole to prevent further regrowth. If the area is inflamed sometimes antibiotics are required. After the incision the area may then be dressed with some packing to facilitate healing from the base of the wound.
Skin Tag Removal
A skin tag is a small benign skin lesion that can look like a rice bubble attached to the skin. They can be pigmented and tend to occur where skin folds together – armpits, the groin and neck.
Some medical conditions can contribute to skin tags such as insulin resistance and diabetes, or simply from skin chafing.
Skin tag removal options will be determined by the skin doctors, but may be surgery, freezing with liquid nitrogen or a procedure that stops the blood supply to the lesion.